Monday, June 2, 2014

Hi There!

Well hello my blog fans! Have you missed me? Well I'm here, for now. I will never stay gone forever, there is a real blogger deep down inside of me, there really is! Instead of a lengthy posting to try and catch everyone up on what I haven't been blogging about, I uploaded pictures from my phone that I have had since last September. I have 30 days until the newest Nielson is due so I hope to figure out how to be a better blogger between now and then.  
My pregnant face after getting betamethasone steroid injections to help baby boy's lungs mature incase he has to come early.

Brother pile

Pigeon a few days after the Boys brought him home...
Pigeon now

Damen and Athan playing flag football, and being great team players!

Canoing at a wildlife expo. They both were naturals!

Ahhh Lake Pleasant

What do I have to do to get a decent picture?

Calvin and his favorite lady riding a huge rocking horse at the ren fest

Visits from Aunt Hayley and Uncle Dugan are always a blast!

He is far too wise to only be 8. But definately silly enough to be 8 for a LONG time!

Brothers making Christmas Cookies

Lucy kitten adopted us October 2013.

Cousin fun. Until the tape has to come off.

Riding a camel at Zoo lights

The first and probably last year that they let me coordinate their Halloween costumes.

RIP spike the Tortise. We found him in out front yard, and brought him in for saftey. But, Darla thought he was a cool toy:(

Pre-pregnancy(kinda) October 2013

They are always so sweet when the girls are over

Backyard club

Hiking Thunderbird park

These are my most favorite people on the planet!

Colorado in September

Our nice little trip without the boys to Valacito Lake in Colorado

Colt and Kevin Kayaking on Valecito Lake Sept 2013

Colorado Sept 2013

Calvin is 3!

 Calvin turned 3. I don't know how it happened or who gave him permission, but he did it. As if I were surprised, this little prince was an EXPERT bithday boy! All the way from talking his way into playing video games to deciding that his bithday should be spent at his fav-or-ite person's house, to throwing a temper tantrum when we all wanted to share his cake with him. We wouldn't want this sour patch kid to be any different. I collaborated a few photos for memories on what this kid is like. We were able to successfully potty train him before his bithday but it wasn't easy. A boy this cute=smart knows how to talk his way out of being trained to do anything! Calvin continues to be an absolute joy, bringing a smile to the face of whomever he is around. Thanks for another year.
Yes, I made this cake. I am rather impressed with myself about it.
Loves his daddy! And his daddy's phone.

Those moments they don't know you are watching:)

"Mom, take a picture with me"

Bird house painting on Easter with brothers


Getting his shirt eaten by a goat at the zoo

Taking a little ride in the lift at the zoo

Jester at the Ren Faire

Riding a jet ski with Daddy at Lake Pleasant

Hanging out with daddy in the bed

First haircut. Didn't regret this one. Regretted the second one. Don't know if there will be a third...

Swinging is his favorite. Careful if you take this kid to the park, you will be stuck pushing him on the swings.

We call him "sour patch kid" for reasons such as these. He is super sour plugging his ears but seems so sweet doing it doesn't he?

Aunt Hillary or "Hirry" is his all time favorite person. I sometimes wonder if Calvin thinks she should have been his mom.

Practicing Football at brother's football practice

Bithday Boy! Minion outfit.
Just try to say no to this kid