I absolutely cannot believe that my little Calvin is 6 months old. I feel like time is seriously escaping me and I gotta say, it literally makes me cry. I think about how it seems like Damen was just born and poof he is 7! Athan was just born and now almost 6. Before I know it, Calvin will be 7, and Damen and Athan will be teenagers! The lump this thought puts in my throat is suffocating.
At 6 months old, Calvin has quite the personality! He is a happy baby! If I plan to take him anywhere, I gotta have the time to stop, and let people gush over him because he smiles at everyone. For some reason, the average stranger thinks that if a baby is smiling at you, this means they want you to touch their hands..... The average stranger also probably thinks that the really cute smiling baby has a really crazy, protective mother. So what!
While Calvin loves to smile at people he is not so much a smiler for the Camera. The few pictures I have of him smiling at the camera are my favorites because his whole face and my heart light up when he smiles.
He snores! My goodness does this baby snore. He is constantly full of snot (allergies no doubt). I am able to get him to eat fruits and veggies. I decided not to push him on the grains (thanks for the advice Brooke!) He is eating about one small jar of fruits or veggies twice a day. I have a friend from work that makes baby food for her son, this is Calvin's favorite! Maybe in my spare time, I can learn how she does it.
He reaches for everything! If you have Calvin in your lap and you are holding something, he wants it. He is much better for me at night than he is for Colt when I am working. He tends to fight sleeping more for him, and cries which he hardly ever cries for me so, this makes me sad. When I get home in the morning and he sees me, he is nothing but giggles. He loves his Mommy and I love him right back.
I noticed about a month ago that he is totally tongue tied. He cannot stick his tongue out past his lips. This does not seem to bother him one bit right now, he is able to eat and drink just fine. I am a little conflicted on whether or not to get it clipped because I can't bear the thought of hurting him and I like to think that is how he is made so I have no business changing him. However, the speech impediment can be so severe and why not do it not rather than when he is learning to pronounce words?
No teeth yet. I'm guessing these could start pretty late considering he was early. That is perfectly fine with me as I am not looking forward to the biting. I kind of skipped purchasing 3-6 month clothes, I'm starting to think it is an unnecessary size. He still fits into onsies and even some 0-3 month PJ's, I got out the 6-9 month items that I had stored and they fit him loosely. I hate admitting that any of his clothes are too small on him! I like to think of trying to dress him in newborn clothes and laughing because they did not even come close to fitting!
Everyone says he looks surprised....I think his eyes are just wide, everyone said the same thing about Damen, he grew into his eyes just fine!
He rolls, scoots barely, he would honestly rather be held than on the floor practicing moving around on his own. I can't help but give into him on this. A month ago, I took him to the Doctor to get checked out, he had a little cold but I could hear wheezing in his lungs with my stethoscope. At the doctor's office, we discovered Calvin was having a hard time breathing when he lays on his back, his oxygen saturation was insufficient. Poor baby! He got to have some breathing treatments for the wheezing but learning that he was having a hard time when he was sick made me wonder if he always has a bit of a hard time and that is why he doesn't like to be laid on the floor. I pretty much pick him up when he whines either way....Hopefully I don't regret it later.
I am so blessed to have this boy in my life! He has made the Nielson family shine even brighter than it did before! I look forward to all he has to offer.